
Hey there, lovely folks!

I'm Sabah Zaman – A Multidisciplinary Designer!

Picture a realm where design transforms into an adventure, creativity flows boundlessly, and each project emerges as a canvas ready for a touch of enchantment.

This is the world I've been curating for over seven amazing years, wearing the hat of an Industrial Designer.But hold on, there's more to this story! I'm not just your average designer; as I am currently a Creative Operations Lead, a guiding mentor, and a Lecturer (all in diverse fields)

Oh, and here's a delightful tidbit: I steer clear of the mundane. Why settle for ordinary when I can sprinkle my own brand of fascination and flair?

Pals, here's the scoop: I'm convinced we're all designers with inherent problem-solving skills – let's channel that energy to shape a thrilling world!

Cheers to creativity!